Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to interview the amazing author of The Andromeda Series, Mrs. Amy Bartelloni.
Who enjoys getting to read awesome interviews by phenomenal authors? Do you enjoy books that will knock your socks off and throw you to the edge of your seat? Well, I have the absolute perfect series for you! Do you enjoy free books? You heard me right! I didn’t studder… I SAID "FREE BOOKS"! Well, I have a wonderful author that let me interview her and boy does she have some interesting information for all of you! Her responses are KILLER AWESOME. I’d have to say, I couldn’t have gotten a better response even if I tried to walk to Albany. ;)
For the brave souls that read the interview, all you have to do is tell me what your favorite response was that Mrs. Amy Bartelloni had & if you could meet an actor/actress from a zombie-apopclyptic related show/movie then who would it be and why? Did I mention there is a special, secret prize also? O, I did't? Well I have now, so keep reading! ;)
For the person that gets the most recommendations for my blog, they will win a special prize that anyone would kill to have. All you have to do is recommend my blog and tell the person to comment (at the bottom of this blog) with their answers as well as your name. The person with the most will be the head honcho and receive the Zombie-tastic reward of a lifetime!
I'll be using random.org to select the winners, so be sure you comment on the bottom of this interview to be entered in for a chance to win!
1: Have you won any awards/achievement in the writing world?
Andromeda had been on the amazon bestsellers list pretty much since its release, which is very humbling! I am proud of it, eventhough its not an award.
2: When did you first consider yourself a writer? Is there an appropriate level of seniority that one has to reach before one can be considered a writer?
This is a great question! We’ve discussed this at my various writing groups, and the best answer I can come up with is a writer is someone that writes, published or not! I still have doubts about whether I’m legit, LOL. Neil Gaiman talks about imposter syndrome, and says he’s always waiting for the men with the clipboards to take him away to get a real job. I totally get that!
3: What or who inspired you to start writing?
I’ve always been a reader, and I’ve always made up stories. I think the hardest part of the process was having the guts to write them down and share them. I was really inspired by Stephen King’s book “On Writing,” where he shares some awesome tips on the craft of writing. And I also loved “the Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. It’s about going after your dreams :-)
4: What is your biggest goal in life aside from your writing career?
Mostly I want to just raise happy, successful kids. I’m also a big believer in making the most of each day, so I don’t have a ton of goals I just go with the flow.
5: Do you have a specific writing style? What author would you say are you most relatable to?
I guess my writing style would be considered a “pantser” because I write by the seat of my pants (versus outlining.) I love when the characters and story take on a life of their own, and I’m not organized enough to keep up with an outline. It makes for a lot of work on the editing and revising side, though, but it’s worth it for me. Either way is legit, but I love that Stephen King is a pantser, too!
6: How did you come up with the titles for your books?
The books don’t usually have a title until half way through, and I know where the story is going and what stands out. It’s almost like they name themselves. There’s that one moment when you’re writing and you realize the right title. It’s magic J
7: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to focus on?
I know everyone takes something different out of a book, and it’s been interesting to me to see what other people have pulled out of my books. For me, the story was about the journey of growing up and getting over your past, becoming comfortable with who you are. That’s one of the things I love about science fiction & fantasy – you have these crazy worlds, but human nature is still human nature.
8: How much of the book is realistic/false?
I think like any author, I take bits and pieces of real life and put them in my characters. I based the setting in an area I’m very familiar with, but obviously the post apocalyptic parts are imagined J
9: What is your favorite movie and why?
I’m a huge Lord of the Rings fan. The Two Towers is still my favorite movie!
10: Is there a character that you would potentially write a novella about or want to include more in the main story?
I’ve had an idea for a novella kicking around my head. I might go back and write a prequel to the series, something with Sera’s parents and how everything started. I haven’t really thought out the details yet though.
11: What books have most influenced your life? Did you make any life changes because of it?
“The Alchemist!” I think I was at a point in my life where I was ready, I just needed that push. Stephen King’s “On Writing” was really helpful, too!
12: What book are you reading now or was the last that you've read?
Right now I’m reading the final copy of Heather Calaway’s “Libra Rising.” She’s been a critique partner and friend for a long time and I’m so excited to see her in print!
13: Are there any new/archaic authors that have grasped your interest? Why?
I’ve recently started reading Joe Hill, and I LOVE his stuff. It’s horror, and intense – a combination I love. I’m binge reading all his books J
14: What are your current projects?
I’m hoping to get the third book in the Andromeda series edited and submitted this week! After that I might have a YA fantasy up my sleeve.
15: Who is your role model in the writing world?
I have learned so much from all the amazing indie authors that I’ve become friends with! I can’t believe how welcoming and friendly everyone is in the writing community. I can’t just pick one because everyone has been helpful. It’s awesome to be part of a community that lifts each other up.
16: Who would you say backs you up the most besides your family?
I have an amazing group of critique partners and first readers! They are willing to support me, but at the same time they tell me if anything doesn’t work. I wouldn’t have had the guts to publish at all without them.
17: Do you see writing as a career if not then what is your main focus in the working world?
These are some great questions! I started writing when I was a stay at home mom, so it transitioned into a job for me. I’ve since taken on other part time jobs, but this is the one I focus on. This is where my heart is. I think the important thing is that I’d do it even if I didn’t get paid. I have to, or I go crazy!
18: If you had to rewrite any of your books, would you? Why, or why not?
Not the ones that are published, but I wrote a couple books before I was published that I might go back and look at. I still think they’re great stories, I just didn’t have the tools to edit them the right way. I might go back and try it again, now that I have some experience.
19: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? Interest in reading?
It was always there! I just came across a funny picture of me as a baby, sitting on my moms lap. She’s reading a novel and I’m cracking up at the funnies in the paper. Seeing my mom and grandma reading was always a huge motivator, and I’ve always loved stories.
20: Can you share a little of your current work or a work will that be launching soon?
I’m so excited for the Scorpio Project! It wraps the Andromeda series up nicely. This book focuses on Sera, and her coming to terms with her parents involvement in the beginning of the outbreak, but also becoming confident in herself.
21: If there is, then what do you find most challenging when you put pen to paper? What is the easiest part when you write? What was your favorite scene that you've ever written?
Two hardest parts: self-doubt is a biggie, and procrastination. I was a late coming to typing. For a long time I wrote longhand in a notebook because it’s less distracting. It’s great to have the Internet to be able to look anything up, but it can also be a huge distraction! And the self-doubt thing speaks for itself; I think all creative people have that problem. The easiest part is getting the flow of the story when you sit down. That’s the part I love, diving into the characters and the story. It’s amazing. My favorite scene tends to be the one I just wrote, haha. There is a scene in the Scorpio Project that has to do with people being suspended in tanks… that was intense. I can’t say any more or I’ll give it away.
22: What superhero is your favorite and why? What super power would you add?
Hmm, I’m a huge superhero fan so I love them all. I think my favorite is Batman because of his dark past. If I had a superpower I’d like to read people’s minds, but I think that would backfire on me really fast. I’m probably better off without a super power J
23: Who is your favorite author and what is the reasoning for enjoying their books? How would you describe their writing style?
One of my favorite authors is Jasper Fforde. He writes a series about a girl who can walk in and out of books and solve mysteries (the Thursday Next series.) I LOVE this idea. His writing style is kind of quirky and individual. I love books that think outside the box, and this is definitely one of them.
S.HH.- I have to go check this series out because I think it sounds very interesting.
24: What age group do you mostly write to? What age group has mainly responded in the most positive way to your work?
Andromeda is a YA series, but YA series have readers across the board in terms of age. It’s kind of intense in places, so I would say the most receptive audience has been older YA audience.
25: Have you been on book tours and if so, what was your experience? Conventions? Workshops?
I’ve been in writing workshops for years, and I’ve met some awesome friends there. I still try to attend whenever I can because I still have things to learn. I’ve done a few signings, and I’m still learning my way around those. I’d love to do conventions and bigger signings in the future!
26: Who designed the covers? Which is your favorite?
My publishing company, Limitless, contracted Redbird Designs to do the cover and I was blown away. I love them both because I think they capture the feeling of the books. I can’t wait to see the cover for the Scorpio Project.
27: Do you have any specific advice that you want to get across to your readers that want to pursue a life of writing?
Write every day, and don’t give up! It’s so easy to become disillusioned and quit, but if you work at it every day you’ll get there. I’ve heard it described that writing is like a muscle, you need to use it every day or it will weaken. It’s totally true.
28: Do you remember the first book you read or caught your attention the most?
One of the first books that blew me away was the Harry Potter series. It sounds silly, but JK Rowling created such a fully thought out, amazing world, and she’s got such an amazing path to publication. I guess she would be my role model, too, for sticking with it.
29: What book, to your knowledge, made you laugh/cry the most?
This is also going to sound silly, but I’m a fan of Nicholas Sparks. I remember reading the Notebook on the train on the way to work years ago and just sobbing. People probably thought someone in my family died!
30: Is there one author that you wish you could co-author with then who is it? Why?
I am a huge fan of Neil Gaiman. I think he has such an imagination and he’s always trying new projects. If I ever had the opportunity to work with him I’d probably faint, though.
31: What genre do you want to write that you haven't written yet?
I am always pushing myself to try new things. My next work in progress is a fantasy, but I don’t see myself branching out of the sci-fi/fantasy genres soon. There’s just too much to explore there!
32: Other than writing do you have any hobbies?
Umm, reading. J I’m a fairly terrible artist but I try painting once in a while. I also follow politics and I’m a huge people watcher!
33: Do you have a go to comfort food?
Nachos, for sure! They will be my downfall!
34: If you could live in a fictional (book or movie) world, what would it be? What character would you be most like?
Maybe it’s cheating, but I’d jump right into the Jasper Fforde books. That way I could solve mysteries and still walk in and out of any book I wanted. I totally see myself as Thursday Next!
35: Do you still read a book regardless if a review has given away an important piece of the book? Do you still read a book regardless of the positive/negative reviews? Do you ever give away spoilers to others when you read?
Oh yes, sure I’ll read a book if I’ve read a spoiler. I’m fairly good at compartmentalizing and forgetting that I read something. That being said, I don’t read a ton of reviews before I pick something up just for that reason. Everyone has their own opinion. I’ll always give something a chance if it sounds interesting, but one of the funniest and most amazing parts of being a reader/writer is seeing how everyone has a different take and opinion on the same work. It’s pretty cool
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Orion’s Curse:
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Here are some sneak peeks into the wonderful words displayed in The Scorpio Project!
Now for the cover reveal for Book 3:
The Scorpio Project
The Scorpio Project:
Ebook: 3.99$
Paperback: 12.50$
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