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Friday, January 30, 2015

The Truth Will Set You Free by Good ole Hyperbole

Often times in life, I keep hearing that lying is a bad thing and I know this to be true. One should never lie about anything because it is an unfaithful act that comes from the human inability to make up a fictitious account simply to gain attention. I did this when I was a small child, so I guess I wasn't in the act of lying merely imagination station although I did tell white lies. I remember when I was about 5 years old, I was in K-5 and the teacher asked me if I had cut the other children's papers. I did although I didn't want to confess. Some would say I was a bad child that enjoyed destruction and others would simply categorize me as a troubled kid who sought the approval from others. I'd have to disagree completely. Be as it may, I just enjoyed to cut papers. It's simple really. Just walk around and cut the kid's papers for no apparent reason? Yep, thats correct. I was a strange child. Aren't we all?

I'm going to tell you of a special occasion where telling a white lie or merely stretching the truth was in fact a stroke of genius! Allie Brosh who runs the "Hyperbole and a Half" website decided to write a book about accounts that happened to her as well as others that she knows. My best friend Garrett gave me this book about a week before he moved away. Even though I miss him, I have the book which brings back all the memories of him. He's such a great person! I love you man! =D 

I began reading this book from cover to cover and nearly consumed 271/371 of the pages on the first night then read the rest of the way through in the 2 consecutive nights. I love the "Simple Dog" and "Helper Dog" parts of the book. It's all together an anthology of comedic events. I'll be reading this book over and over for years to come because it brought joy to my life! I laughed, I cried, I even wanted to hug the writer when she got locked out of the house for annoying her mother about her Grandfathers cake. It's  a lovely little book 

Eye candy Links for consumption:


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