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Friday, March 20, 2015

Janae Mitchell Says It Feels Like Rain

Welcome to this exclusive interview with the author & characters of "Feels Like Rain"...


Hello... my name is Beverly and I'm here, once again, to interview Janae Mitchell, author of the FOR ALWAYS series, as well as the characters from her newest release, "Feels Like Rain". Thanks, Janae, for allowing us in your home, and thanks, Jet and Kalista, for taking the time to join us. And Congratulations on the release of this new novel.

Janae: Thanks! I'm so excited about it. And it's my pleasure having everyone here. They're all usually hanging with me, anyway. 
Kalista: Thanks, Beverly, for coming to talk to us. (Jet nods in agreement.)

Oh, I've been excited about this for the past week. But enough about me...I'm ready to talk about you. I'd like to start off by asking Janae what inspired "Feels Like Rain".

Janae: Well, in the epilogue of "For Eternity", the very last book in the For Always series, Jet was introduced. I knew he had a story to tell, which led me to write "Feels Like Rain".

After reading and loving this novel, I can't help but wonder something. (They look at me questioningly.) I know Jet has, shall I say, special abilities, so before I go any further, I have to ask... (He raises his eyebrows at me curiously.) Do you know what I'm feeling right now?

Jet: (Smiles, as if relieved, showing off his cute dimples, reminding me of his dad.) Yeah, but not by choice. I try not to intrude into people's emotions, but it's hard tryin' to push them out all the time.

So, since it's just us, can you share what each of us are feeling? Only if you all don't mind, of course. I'm just curious how your gift works. 

Janae: I don't mind at all. I think it's fascinating.
Jet: You would. (He grins and leans forward.) My gift... (He chuckles softly as his eyes focus on mine.) Well, you're suddenly a bit nervous, which seems to happen a lot around me. You're also really happy and excited, like you said before. (He looks at Janae, and after they make awkward eye contact for a few seconds, Janae starts to laugh, breaking the stare-off.) She had that same nervousness, which dissipated when she laughed. She's... thankful... excited and... happy. You're both really happy people. Ya make me feel a bit giddy. (He smiles, causing his dimples to sink in again.) And you... (He leans back and turns his attention to Kalista, which instantly electrifies the air, and grabs her hand, holding it in his lap.)'re content, very relaxed. You're also... well... (He looks back at me.)... I won't mention what else, since it might embarrass her. (He winks at her, which causes her to blush.)

That's just amazing that you can do that. Janae, why did you bestow Jet with this gift, which he often thinks of—or at least he did in the book—as a curse?

Jet: Yeah, why did you do that? (Jet leans forward and glares at her with a smirk.)
Janae: Well, since his mom and grandmother were both gifted, I knew he would also be gifted, so I took both of their abilities and somewhat mixed them together, making Jet able to feel the emotions of those around him, both living and dead.

Jet, in this book, you seem to be more accepting of your gift once you meet Kalista, or Kali, as you like to call her. Why is that?

Jet: Why do I like to call her Kali? (Kalista smacks his leg, knowing he knew what I meant, causing him to grin.) Well, meetin' Kali changed everything. She was able to take my attention away from everyone else's emotions, forcin' me to only feel her. I actually, for once, enjoyed feelin' what someone else felt. When we're not together for long periods of time, it's almost like part of me is missin' and I long to feel her. (He looks at her and smiles.) I guess you could say her happiness, and every other feelin' that flows through her, makes me whole.
Janae: Aw, how sweet! And I didn't force him to say it, either.
Jet: And now she's proud. (He tilts his head toward Janae.) 
Janae: Of course I'm proud. I love all of my characters and the people they've become. As a matter of fact, I feel like a part of me is missing when y'all ain't around, too. (She smirks playfully at him.) My characters make me whole.
Kalista: But you know, even when we're not around, we're always close by.
Jet: Yeah, really close. Craaazy close. (He laughs.)
Janae: Well, y'all are the reason I'm crazy. I'm just glad you take turns and don't all try to talk to me at once. That would be a whole new level of crazy.
(The door flies open and in walks Jet's best friend.)
Zander: Hey! (He sits down beside Janae, wrapping his arm around her.) I can't believe you all planned this little soiree without me.

Well, it was really just an author and main character interview, but I'm glad you've joined us, anyway.

Zander: Oh, I may not be a main character, but I'm the spine that holds this novel together. 
Janae: You're the book spine?
Zander: Yeah. Often times we go unnoticed, but without us, the entire book would fall apart. (We all look at each other before we bust out laughing.) You know I'm right. (He winks at me, showing off his bright green eyes.) 

So, Zander, since you've graced us with your presence, what has it been like growing up with Jet? 

Zander: (He looks at Jet and shakes his head.) I won't lie; it's been a bit of a wild ride. It's the kind of ride you ride in the dark, that's scary at times, and you never know what's coming next; if it's a drop, a sharp curve, a spiral. But even so, it's a ride that's always been one of my favorites. Jet's one of a kind and I'll be riding it out till the end with this one. (He looks over at him.) And I know you're feeling the love, brother.
Jet: Oh, I feel it.

Okay, to wrap this interview up, I've got a question for the three of you. If you could ask Janae one question, what would it be?

Kalista: Hmm... one question. I guess I'd ask how she came up with us. I mean, parents can't pick and choose how their kids will look or act, they are just born the way they're born, so how did she give birth to us, choosing who we'll be?

Oh, that's a good one!

Janae: Yes... yes it is....Well, I honestly don't know. It's like a story will pop in my head, and when I start thinking about characters, they just... become who they're supposed to be. Then, when that happens, they tell me their story, and I just pass it along.

Interesting. Okay, Jet, your question?

Jet: Why did you let me wreck my motorcycle? That really hurt. (He stretches out his left arm, rolling it around like it's still stiff.)
Janae: Sorry, Jet, it's all about the plot twists. (She reaches across Kalista and pats his leg.) 
Zander: Technically, she didn't let you wreck, Jet; she kind of made that happen. (Janae playfully shoves him, almost causing him to fall off the chaise in front of her and into the floor.) Hey, I'm not a plot twist, here, so take it easy.

Last, but as we can all see, definitely not least, the spine of this book, Zander. What would you like to ask?

Zander: Why the schmell wasn't I a main character? The best friend deserves a bigger role, don't you think?
Jet: I don't know if readers could've handled much more of your tarfness.


Jet: Oh, that's a Zanderism. He's practically got his own dictionary of randomness that he hits us with ever so often.
Janae: (Laughing.) Zander, you're one of those characters who leave them wanting more.

Speaking of wanting more, that is how this book left me feeling! I hated for it to be over, but I guess every book has to end at some point. 

Janae: I'm glad you liked it, and I hope everyone else does, too.

I'm sure they will. Congratulations, Janae, on this new release. I loved it and can't wait for everyone to read it. Do you have anything else you'd like to add before we go?

Janae: Well, first, I'd like to thank my characters. Each of you—even you, Zander—will always have a special place in my heart, not just in my mind. (She holds her arms up and pretends to give them all a hug.) And thank you, Beverly, for being so flippin' awesome! And as far as this novel goes, even though it's a stand-alone, I highly recommend reading the For Always series first, if you plan on reading it at all, since this novel will give you some spoilers to that series. I, myself, like spoilers, so.... (She shrugs.)

You heard it from the author, herself, fellow readers. "Feels Like Rain" may have spoilers to the For Always series, so you've been warned. Thank you, Janae, Jet, Kalista, and Zander for taking the time to speak with me. 

Janae: I think I can speak for everyone when I say it was our pleasure. I look forward to talking to you again when my next novel comes out. I can't wait to see what kind of questions you've got up your sleeve for those characters.

You can download "For Always" (book 1) for free HERE.

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